From our company beginnings, we have supported Airport and Airspace Planning projects using simulation, analytical, and operational subject matter expertise. We support airport and airspace planning studies, master and regional planning activities, GIS artifact and tool development, and provide guidance in several other areas that are integral to an efficient and sustainable airspace system, including obstruction analysis, PBN procedures, and noise/ environmental considerations.

Specifically, our airport and airspace planning staff provide subject matter expertise in:

  • Airport, Airspace, and Terminal Planning
  • Fast-Time Simulation & Modeling
  • Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Arrival and Departure Procedure Development & Evaluation
  • Obstruction Analysis and Evaluation
  • Airport GIS Development and Updates
  • Airport and Airspace Operations Planning
  • Environmental Assessments/Environmental Impact Statements
  • Noise and Air Quality Analysis
  • Operational Impact Assessments and Demand/Capacity Studies

Modeling & Simulation (M&S) provides important planning and design capabilities for airports, airlines, and ANSPs globally. At Cignus we use state-of-the-art fast-time simulation and analytics tools to answer capacity/delay, noise/air quality, and operational questions at all levels of fidelity. Our suite of fast-time simulation tools and capabilities includes:

  • AirTOp
  • TAAM
  • runwaySimulator
  • Arena/Simio
  • AEDT